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    2 Users

    100 MB storage

    Basic Support

  • Most Popular



    3 Users

    500 MB storage

    Priority Support



    10 Free Users

    2 GB storage

    Premier Support








Storage Size
Think of a record like a row in a spreadsheet or database table. Your record storage is the combined number of records that are stored in all of your databases.
100 MB 500 MB 2 GB
Free Records
The total amount of files and images you can upload to your online database.
500 20000 50000
# of Apps
The total number of individual applications you can build. An app is a combination of an online database and the interface you build to access that database using forms, tables, and more. Each app is completely independent.
3 8 25
Basic - 1-2 day response time, email/chat only
Priority - 1 day response, phone and skype included
Premier - same day response, dedicated support manager
Enterprise - SLA with uptime guarantee
email, chat
phone, skype
support manager
Basic - 1-2 day response time, email/chat only Priority - 1 day response, phone and skype included Premier - same day response, dedicated support manager
App Consultation
We can review your idea in detail and consult on the best way to translate your requirements into a functional app.
We can review your idea in detail and consult on the best way to translate your requirements into a functional app.
The number of builders (including you) who can access your BizFirst account to edit and build applications.
2 3 10 The number of builders (including you) who can access your BizFirst account to edit and build applications.